Solar Site Visits in Rwanda

Solar Site Visits in Rwanda

Let There Be Light Visits the Land of a Thousand Hills Let There Be Light arrives in Rwanda Rwanda – Land of a Thousand Hills The team sets off on home visits This week, Let There Be Light International returned home from solar site visits in beautiful,...
Solar Solutions in Sub-Saharan Africa

Solar Solutions in Sub-Saharan Africa

By Jo Stevens Imagine not having light at night to do household activities, homework, or cooking. Unfortunately, this is the reality for 760 million in the world, and 80 percent live in Sub-Saharan Africa. According to the World Economic Forum, energy poverty is the...
Earth Day Every Day

Earth Day Every Day

by Jo Stevens Happy Earth Month! Every April, the global community comes together to shine a light on our shared environment and highlight ways to build a healthier, more sustainable world for everyone. During Earth Month, initiatives for environmental outreach...